This weekly podcast was born out of two things we enjoy – talking about influence & persuasion and drinking really good beer (sorry, we don’t consider Budweiser & Miller Lite good beer). We also enjoy a good whiskey or two on occasion. If you have a question or just a beer you’d like to recommend, let us know by contacting us here.
Jonathan Taylor – founder of Buzz Mountain. Author of two books – Launch It and Selling on the Green. For years, Jonathan has helped large and small companies in the manufacturing sector, teaching them more effective ways to market & sell their products and services both online and offline.
Sean McCool – Master Life Coach, successful copywriter, entrepreneur, and founder of Rise Up Champion. Sean believes there is a champion in all of us, and that through timeless principles we can call out the Champion within and summon him or her to RISE UP so that we can be all we were created to be – IN EVERY AREA OF LIFE – Fitness… Identity…Relationships… and Enterprises (the F.I.R.E of life.) Connect with Sean at SeanMcCool.com.